He's making diamonds out of dust
Disaster strikes...
On the four Saturday of every month we have a ladies coffee cake and conversation (with a slice of prayer) meeting. This meeting was started on the basis of the bible verse Ephesians 2:10. The aim of this group is for women of all ages to encourage each other is all aspects in life. We all have a testimony and our testimonies can give another person the slice of Hope they need, that they too can get through to the other side of the storm they are facing.
Each month I pray and ask God who is it this month that can bring the encouragement perfect for that particular time. This month there was a mishap and in the confusion it meant our encourager couldn't do this Saturdays coffee cake and conversation. After being told this and I was able to hang up the phone I burst into tears. I cried out "what am I going to do now" baring in mind I was already emotionally exhausted due to the house move and the insane amount of stuff still needing to be unpacked. I honestly felt for a moment I had hit a wall, with no ease in sight. But the day carried on. I did what I could with my family and left it all in the hands of the almighty God. The old me, would of been in continuous anxiety mode, focusing all my energy on what I was going to bring to Saturdays meeting. But I've learnt that gets me no where and when God says trust me I'll provide in every situation. He means it. So I never gave it another thought.
1 Peter 5:7 New International Version (NIV)
7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
As my girls bedtime approached I felt my spirit encouraging me to have a bath and listen to a sermon. So that's exactly what I did. Little did I know it would lead to Gods back up plan.
The inspiration
The sermon that caught my eye to watch was a Joyce Meyers sermon called how your mind affect your walk with God. Curious to what that was about I listened to it. I only listened to half of it and what I heard I knew in my heart it was enough and all I needed to hear. Listening to it encouraged me to send a WhatsApp encouraging others if they knew God thinks they are wonderful. Too which caused two wonderful friends of mine to blessing me back with scripture and a song both with the common factor or how wonderful we are in Gods eyes despite our mistakes. 1st lady who sent the scripture sent
Ephesians 2:4-10 The Passion Translation (TPT)
4 But God still loved us with such great love. He is so rich in compassion and mercy. 5 Even when we were dead and doomed in our many sins, he united us into the very life of Christ and saved us by his wonderful grace! 6 He raised us up with Christ the exalted One, and we ascended with him into the glorious perfection and authority of the heavenly realm, for we are now co-seated[a] as one with Christ!
7 Throughout the coming ages[b] we will be the visible display of the infinite, limitless riches of his grace and kindness, which was showered upon us in Jesus Christ. 8 For it was only through this wonderful grace that we believed in him. Nothing we did could ever earn this salvation, for it was the gracious gift from God that brought us to Christ! 9 So no one will ever be able to boast, for salvation is never a reward for good works or human striving.
10 We have become his poetry,[c] a re-created people that will fulfil the destiny he has given each of us, for we are joined to Jesus, the Anointed One. Even before we were born, God planned in advance our destiny and the good works[d] we would do to fulfil it
The second lady sent me a song that she had heard from the women's conference beloved. This song is called diamonds by hawk Nelson. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yf1ARbpB0gA <<<the link to the song, beautiful song.
Just like that, boom boom boom; one after the other. The inspiration from three different women came to me. (baring in mind these women not only have never met each other but they don't live near each other).
So if you ever find yourself in a situation that is bigger than yourself. Trust in God's capability. He says in the bible 365 times do not fear, one for every day of the year. If he says it that much, you can know and be at peace knowing that he means it. God was never going to leave he hanging. His plan wasn't to watch me fall/stumble. He'll always have your/my back. He said to my husband a while back "I have never given up on you, don't give up on me" that stuck with me, and I had a choice. I could cancel or carry on. Who am I to cancel and stop others from getting a blessing just because I'm the only one who is available to run it. David was on his own, as the Israelite army were too afraid to attempt to tackle Goliath. Yet David in his weakness knew God was bigger and stronger and has his back. His victory started with his faith in the almighty God. The giant wasn't bigger than God, no. God is bigger than our giants.
Am I saying Saturday will be perfect, I don't know. I have no idea how it will work out. But what I can say is I know God has my back. And whoever turns up, will be the right person for 'he's making diamonds out of dust'. Be blessed.
Let's pray.
Father thank you, thank you that despite our mishaps/mistakes in life you look at us and think we are wonderful. Thank you that we can trust in your provision. May the person reading this be filled with your peace knowing that no matter what situation they find themselves in they can trust that you will guide them into the direction you want them to go. In your precious name amen.
Just like that, boom boom boom; one after the other. The inspiration from three different women came to me. (baring in mind these women not only have never met each other but they don't live near each other).
So if you ever find yourself in a situation that is bigger than yourself. Trust in God's capability. He says in the bible 365 times do not fear, one for every day of the year. If he says it that much, you can know and be at peace knowing that he means it. God was never going to leave he hanging. His plan wasn't to watch me fall/stumble. He'll always have your/my back. He said to my husband a while back "I have never given up on you, don't give up on me" that stuck with me, and I had a choice. I could cancel or carry on. Who am I to cancel and stop others from getting a blessing just because I'm the only one who is available to run it. David was on his own, as the Israelite army were too afraid to attempt to tackle Goliath. Yet David in his weakness knew God was bigger and stronger and has his back. His victory started with his faith in the almighty God. The giant wasn't bigger than God, no. God is bigger than our giants.
Am I saying Saturday will be perfect, I don't know. I have no idea how it will work out. But what I can say is I know God has my back. And whoever turns up, will be the right person for 'he's making diamonds out of dust'. Be blessed.
Let's pray.
Father thank you, thank you that despite our mishaps/mistakes in life you look at us and think we are wonderful. Thank you that we can trust in your provision. May the person reading this be filled with your peace knowing that no matter what situation they find themselves in they can trust that you will guide them into the direction you want them to go. In your precious name amen.
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