Wide or narrow leads the way

The dream
Funny Enough I had a unique dream about the bible verses
Matthew 7:13-14 New International Version (NIV)

The Narrow and Wide Gates

13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

In this dream each one of us had our own car, the car only fitted one person and that was you or me. We were all traveling the same direction, and for the few seconds of the dream that I had no idea what was going on, (that was until I noticed the country road next to the high way road everyone was traveling on) everyone was stuck in the biggest traffic jam I have ever seen. The motorway must of had like 10 lanes and each lane was full. There was no room for changing lanes, you just sat in your vehicle making your way down this motorway way in the pace everyone was going. I like most people was traveling down this huge road confused to why this was happening. It wasn't till a few seconds later did I notice this country road running a long side this gigantic motorway and only a few cars driving down it. It was then like a light bulb moment did I realise what was happening. Immediately Matthew 7: 13 and 14 came to mind and some how I managed to get my self out of this traffic jam and onto this country road, where I was free to drive without restrictions and joy and thankfulness in my heart.

End result to every day use. 

  • Anger and anxiety.. Learn to recognise the attack from the enemy, and as soon as he tries to get you through anger and anxiety, go straight to your quiet place and sing praises and/or read the word, even get on your knees in prayer. It's so easy to enter the wide road to reaction when it comes to anger, but to fight like a Christian we got to snap it in the bud straight away. Reject it. Give it to God and trust him. The narrow way isn't always the easiest way, especially when our flesh would like you to react to the pain and hurt you have just encountered. 
A lot of people would say that's easier said than done, it's OK for me to put that because I used to be one. But you will never get to the finish line if you don't set off. So if we know that in a race then why are we reluctant to it in our walk with God. Its so easy to want things to just happen in our lives, but that's not how a relationship with God works. He isn't our servant and we aren't his master. Why should God wait on us hand and foot if we aren't bothered to play our part in pursuing the relationship. You can't eat dinner without first doing the food shopping. There would be nothing to eat right. The same goes with our walk with God. We need to put our time in his word, in prayer, in worship. Drawing closer to him with all our heart body mind and soul. So in any situation that we face from a day to day basis we can find our narrow way that leads to the victory Jesus has already won the day he died on that cross. Anyone that tells you being a Christian is a walk in the park, is lying to you. It's hard, but it's also very enjoyable. Someone reading this may think then why would I want to pursue a hard path, when I can just avoid it and live an easy life. Or what seems to them an easy life. The best example I can think of is from the film God's not dead, where a guy, very rich, powerful in his work says out loud in front of his mom, who by the way is suffering with dementia. He thinks she doesn't know who he is anymore let alone listening to him or will not understand him. So he says out loud (Mark: You prayed and believed your whole life. Never done anything wrong. And here you are. You're the nicest person I know. I am the meanest. You have dementia. My life is perfect. Explain that to me!
Mina's Mother: Sometimes the devil allows people to live a life free of trouble because he doesn't want them turning to God. Their sin is like a jail cell, except it is all nice and comfy and there doesn't seem to be any reason to leave. The door's wide open. Till one day, time runs out, and the cell door slams shut, and suddenly it's too late. " taken back by what she had said he remained speechless. But that's our almighty God he talks to us it all kinds of unique ways. 
During my dream I remember feeling like that guy from God's not dead comfortable while in my own car driving down this wide highway. Thankfully I noticed this country road (narrow way) immediately I remembered Matthew 7:13-14 and took action. I can't imagine life without christ. It has been the best thing I have ever done in my life. It hasn't been easy but it has surely been rewarding and satisfying.

Don't be afraid to talk out loud to the devil..
The whole idea of the devil and his demons used to terrify me. I was afraid of being one of these people seeing them. Thankfully I haven't but I have encounted their presents. The more I grew in my relationship with God the stronger I became as a child of God. I have even got to the point of being able to talk out loud to the enemy and tell him he's not wanted. It is never a two way conversation, it is more myself resisting him and telling him to leave. Like the the verse in 

James 4:7 New International Version (NIV)

Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

This doesn't mean I avoided him,. No. You can't he's there every day trying to make you fall into temptation, sin, deciet and lies. The bible talks about a spiritual war fighting for us. I've spoke on it before in the other blogs. But just because this happens doesn't mean we should just pack up and leave (give up) no no no. Every situation we face we need to find our narrow way and avoid being pursuaded to go down the wide road just because our flesh can not be bothered or how feelings are not up to it. None of that I'm sorry to say is relevant in the spiritual war. The enemy doesn't sleep just because we do not feel like it. I found myself in this dream on the wide highway that leads to destruction (although in the dream I didn't see the end result I just saw everyone driving in the same direction) until I notice the narrow country road and it clicked what was happening. Matthew 7: 13 and 14 is very important to each and every human being on this planet. The most valuable thing in this planet is our soul and where it ends up. Jesus didn't die in vane. He died on the cross to save us from destruction. Not because he thought it would be fun or was suicidal. But because John 3:16 tells us that God so loved the world (not just jew or just English people) the entire world that jesus came so no one would perish but have enteral life. Jesus is a wonderful friend, my Savior and King. He also wants you, and not just a Sunday you, but your all, everything everyday, so he can show you how truly awesome he is in your life and open your eyes to how valuable you are to him. He loves you. Watch out for your wide and narrow way. The emeny wants to steal kill and destroy. And he will use anyone, even Christians unfortunately to lead you away from the narrow road. He's crafty and will make it look so right but it can be so wrong. Your relationship with christ Jesus is vitally important. The stronger you are with Jesus, the more resistant you can be to the enemies attacked, the quicker you noticed and the quicker you respond to send him away.  I have often said out aloud, "are you serious" "get a grip devil" "not going to work" or "back off I'm a child of God, I'm under the management of God" and so on. You are given authority, don't be afraid to use it. It takes work like anything. But in the long run. It is worth it. The devil should be intimidated by you, shall I say the Jesus in you. Not the other way around where you are afraid. Tell him who your God is, and when he reminds you of your past, remind him of his future. In Jesus name amen. Be blessed.

Let's pray. 
Father, it's not easy, and can be exhausting being in the middle of a battle between good and evil. But God, when we forget remind us to hand it over to you and to trust you. Help us grow Lord from strength to strength in you. Help us to get to the point in our lives of trusting you, especially when most of us have issues with trust because of the damages that have taken place in our lives. Help us get to a point of being able to practise and use our authority which you have given us through Jesus. Take our fear away Lord, fill us with your faithful love. So we can go out into the world and spread your love to those around you. In Jesus name amen. 


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